What Are 6 Ways To Compose Your Frame To Get Better Videos?
Composition basically means the way you set things in a frame. There are a lot of ways you can set your subjects and objects in a frame to make it look aesthetically pleasing. But when it comes to cinematography your composition should also convey the story.
Here is a video from Videomaker that explains the best ways to compose a frame.
The first thing you need to know is the aspect ratio. Aspect ratio is the ratio of horizontal to vertical dimensions of the video. Composition varies depending on the aspect ratio of the video output.
1)Rule of thirds –
It’s the fundamental rule of composition. Divide the screen into thirds with four lines like a tic tac toe game. The subject of interest must be at the intersection of the lines.
2)Framing –
You can cut off the head but not the chin unless an equal portion of the head is cut off. But, the eyes are the most important part. If they are in focus we can get away with anything else not being in focus. This is because we universally all of us communicate with our eyes.
3)Balancing the frame –
When you balance the left and right sides of a subject with lighting and props it gives off a vibe of harmony. Similarly, an unbalanced frame gives away one of tension. There need not be symmetry.
4)Leading lines –
These are lines in the image that direct our attention to a particular subject. These can be railings, steps, etc.
5)Depth of field –
DOF is the area of a shot that is in focus. Using depth of field we can emphasize and de-emphasize on objects to direct our attention. A shallow depth of field is when a few things are in focus whereas a deep focus is when everything is in focus.
Using all these new parameters of composition you can come up with a better frame.