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Here’s 7 Tips To Help You Scout Locations

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Here’s 7 Tips To Help You Scout Locations

We remember the James Bond and Mission Impossible movies because of the insane stunts performed in the world famous locations. In our videos, we may not have the budget to shoot at such scenic locations, but we can better scout to make the best of what we have.

Jakob Owens is the creator of the Youtube channel, TheBuffNerds. Apart from creating original content, he has huge experience in a broad spectrum of projects ranging from music videos, commercials, narrative films, company promos, branding content and more.

Here are 7 tips to better scout locations for a video shoot –

1) Scout at the Right Time

Go to the location at the time you will be shooting the video. This will allow you to assess the sunlight and other details that vary depending on the time of the day.

2) Map out the Sun’s Path

If you’re going to shoot at the location for the whole day, then you will have to map out the path of the sun, so you can schedule your shoot better based on the availability of that light at that particular set. You can check out our blog on lighting for more info.

3) Check out for Sounds

This won’t matter if it is a music video. But if it is a film or a commercial with sound recording involved then you have to check for the sounds in the environment. Will there be train sounds, are there airplane passing over any time of the day, are there noisy pets, Is there any construction happening nearby. We need to make sure of all these so we have the least noise possible.

4) Take Photos of the Location

This is important since, you can then share the photo with your DP your production manager, your talent, etc. And explain to them what is the frame you’re planning. This gives them a visual idea of the shoot.

5) Check for Power

Check if there is electricity in the sets, or if you need an external power source. What is the power that you can extract from the given source and is that enough for the types of equipment you’re planning to use?

6) Evaluate the Areas

Check if the location can easily be reached through google maps. Does the name of the location pop up or do you have to send the GPS coordinates separately. How can the location be reached? Is there public transport or do you have to arrange a cab?

7) Take Notes on the Location

Take notes on all the things that you think of on location so that you don’t forget any of the details after you leave the place.

One last advice is that you can location scout on google maps, so you can check out the location right from your home instead of having to go on location blindly.

If you liked this, you can check out our blog on how to choose the best music for your video.